Sorry to bother you...**wink** **wink**
but i feel like writing this before the whole emotion go away...
I'm currently watching Galileo. I already had a copy a year ago but it was only now I decided to try it out. And guess what, i found something totally new!
Nope! It's not about the the whole detective thing. It wasn't about the physics theory and the solutions to its myteries but a very not related subject.
I found my new love team. Mukyaaaaa!!!!!!
O yes! Yukawa-sensei (Fukayama Masaharu) and Utsumi-kun (Shibasaki Kou) are SUCH A SUPER PERFECT COUPLE!! Wushu!
Oh my gosh! I totally wish they both end up together, not only in the drama but in REAL LIFE too. OMG to the highest power!!! This is actually a bonus in the drama since it isn't a romance type but what a PLEASANT BONUS IT IS! Oh my goshness!!! I can't concentrate in the drama anymore. Kou Shibasaki is so beautiful and Masaharu Fukuyama is totally handsome. It is so undeniable that they are the love team to beat! It's only once in a blue moon that I got to react like this but it's totally worth it (the other one is my Hotaru and Buchou love team from Hotaru no Hikari).
Now, I promised my self to make drama review first for Rookies since I already seen it weeks ago and follow it with Hana Yori Dango the Movie, but I didn't know what happen, Galileo isn't the best in the basket and quite predictable at times but it certainly presents something new and hookablity formula which I really don't know what it is ( or maybe it's really the tandem of the leads, super heheheheh)
Anyways, I'm in the last episode. I'm planning to torrent the special and the movie along with Rookies (hoping I could find already one for it).
Anyways, I'm hoping to see more Yukawa-sensei and Utsumi-kun moments until the end.
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