The reason why i started blogging is primarily to let go of the wild emotions who are dying to crack up brought by the multiple enjoyment from different shows I have watched recently. And one of these fads I have developed currently that makes me gaga over it is the Japanese TV Series - HANA KIMI (hanakazakiri no kimitachi e) which is adapted from a manga turned anime show. I am a fan of Asian Dramas and really enjoy them a lot, that is why browsing the net would be incomplete unless I visit a site which features updates about them. And I often see cover of Taiwan's star actress Ella of SHE in which she seems to be naked with two boys around him. The series might be a good one, as seen in the poster, which gives me an impression of a comedy genre. It says Hana Kimi as its title. Obviously, this is, again, another manga adaptation and there might be a Japanese version too. I am much curious about the Jap one than the Taiwanes version since I don't feel Ella that much as an Idol. I know it's kind of late because these dramas are long finished and are been discussed numerously around forums here in the internet. But, my badness, it is just recently where i found crunchyroll to be of great help of finding good shows on the inet. And this is where I try my luck. I searched for HANA KIMI...and tadaa --series complete.!
I watched the drama at first with my younger sister, but it really surprised me when I found myself hooking over the drama alone every night. It takes me days to finish the 12 episodes of the series because I make it two subs at night..wheew!!! Two of 45 minutes is quite exhausting to me already..but I stand firm, even my sis gave it up already. I can't blame her, she still have classes, lucky me - still on vacation! And after all the anticipation...thunder rolls and lightning strikes.....GRABEEH!! I thought Hana Yori Dango is the drama of the century until I saw the "threesome" and gave them my over whelming congratulations!
WARNING!!! do not try to watch the drama,, you'll get ADDICTED..
The story goes like this: a girl named Ashiya Mizuki (Maki) who is based in US, transferred in a Japanese All-boys School, Ohsaka High School, to make his athlete idol (Sano) in this school jump again. In order to do this, Mizuki have to pass through mishaps and predicaments to make his identity a secret while she is normally acting a boy in front of all the dormitory students. She gained friends and allies while staying at the place and had adventures too. She keeps in mind her true mission while having the best time of her life at the school with the help of her new found bestfriend Nakatsu (Toma) who is secretly in love with her. But how long can her secret identity last? And how would her life be changed by doing this mission?
And now, let me present to you the people who are around of this CONSPIRACY!
Nakatsu Shuichi (Ikuta Toma)
The first time I saw tomasu was during my high school years where my cousin started talking about "shounen club" and her KAT-TUN idols. Toma-chan is one of those whose pictures really made me think that there are great looking guys, aside from F4, outside the Philippines here in Asia. He's a part of the talent agency where my cousin's idols are currently in. She introduced her Japanese sense of idolism to us, newbies (me and my siblings), who later had been helpful in identifying Asian idols eventually..hehehe ^_^
I think this drama had given the greatest break in Toma-chan's career. I used to research him before but failed to come up with good resources, unlike now, where countless fans of different races started blogging about him. Now the information is at hand, finally! You cant blame these people who really drool over him. Who would not fall in love with such a jolly and cool character of Nakatsu in Ohsaka High Shool? His sole reactions in every scene are really markable. He is the soul of the series. Only Aliens from outer space might not appreciate his presence in this drama,,but unless you are not, and is real humanoid,, you will surely ask for more from him!
Ashiya Mizuki (Horikita Maki)
I thought Mao Inoue of Hana Yori Dango Series is the cutest teen idol in Japan already (although I am not really so sure, I have not yet watched several Japanese dramas) but i was so disappointed when I found out that my admiration for my teen idol suddenly dropped when I saw Maki-sama played the role of Ashiya on Hana Kimi. I do not know this actress yet until I watched the series. She looks plain to me. But after browsing some pictures more, and getting some information, and finally loving her role in the drama,,OMG! She is so precious. She looks so kawaii even he is pretending to be a boy, but to me, she's obviously a girl. After using her image in this blog and on friendster, I've decided to watch her other drama series also. I want more of her. So cute girl!
Sano Izumi (Oguri Shun)
I remember this guy as Uchi on the hit Jdorama, Gokusen in which was lead by Yukie "Yankumi" Nakama (i miss her) with my idol-ever Jun Matsumoto. He is one of my favorite characters in the show. His hair is so memorable. I don't know what kind of style is that, but it looks cool: long, blonde, braided hair. It compliments his personality. The second time I have seen him is when he played the role of Hanazawa Rui with MatsuJun in Hana Yori Dango. He is second to Jun again, Yippee!!! I don't like his character that much although this is also the same character played by Vic of F4 (Lei) in Meteor Garden. I like Vic's role in that show, because Vic Zhou is my idol. However, Shun stand tall in his industry. I know he's one of the sought after celebrities in Japan and even played Shinichi Kudo in the live version of Detective Conan. I am going to watch it very soon! Shun's role as Sano Izumi in HK drama is not that outstanding compared to other casts in the show. This might because of, again, his morbid attitude where he is a loner and opposes by a jolly fellow, in the character of Nakatsu-sama. That is why there are times in the series that I don't want to watch scenes where he is included because of his boring attitude unlike Nakatsu's comedic skits. I never miss a part,though. But he is talented for sure, because he might not have those long list of works on his profile in wiki if he's not really that good enough on his chosen path after all.
Nanba Minami (Mizushima Hiro)
I wish MatsuJun was in this drama. The title says it's a "hottie paradise". Well, not all actors are really that hotties, as the title suggests, but there are really casts that are worth seeing here.A good drama where no MatsuJun is quite depressing but having someone who resembles like him, well, is forgiven. I was relieved when I saw my senpai. There are scenes that I can never tell whose actor is playing Nanba. Is MatsuJun had a cameo appearance in the show? jun matsumoto
But even the truth knocks me that my idol-sama wasn't in the show, I still feel glad that Hiro-san got to play the role. He really stood as the best Senpai ever. Very good at handling things. I wish in reality there is really a Nanba-senpai who all kouhai can trust.
Kagurazaka Makoto (Shirota Yuu)

Whew! Another Hottie. At first, I thought he is just an ordinary and a regular guy. He is Tezuka-san in PoT Live. Although he is good looking, I think his role for the great tennis player is questionable (i haven't watched the movie, though, only trailers).Why? Because...he is over-quaaaaalified! This half Japanese-Spanish idol is really the man! He attends another school in the series but is really essential in the story. His kissing scene with Sano (Shun) is really funny but his masculinity wasn't harm at all. He is still the boy next door.
Senri Nakao (Kimura Ryo)
He is obviously a "homo" in the series, which makes the show wackier. At first I thought that his affection for Nanba-senpai is just for pure infatuation but I was mistaken. It was deeper..dramatic** ..like an intimate friend, so close and near, who worries more about the welfare of his greatest buddy who is in confusion.Anyways, thanks to him, he really adds flavor to the show. And his kissing with Nanba-senpai is the best.
**kiss on cheeks**
Nakao: Happy! ^__^
Nanba: Unhappy.. : - (
Sekime Kyogo (Osada Masaki)

I find Sekime-san a cutie in the series. He is the other athlete who competes with Sano in the sports competition and had defended Sano in many occasions. He is the first friend of Mizuki in the drama, as told by the heroine in the ending part, but I don't remember honestly how do these two met each other. I think I should look out for that one again. His confrontation with Mizuki in the farewell episode of the series really made a mark in me. He got me cried there. He's awesome!
Kayashima Taiki (Yamamoto Yusuke)
He is the dorm mate of Nakatsu in the series. He looks weird. And looks dirty to me, too. But he is a kindhearted person. He is the first one to know that Mizuki is a girl but did not reveal it since he thought it would not be important. He is noted for his hand gesture (putting them up) whenever he sense something, as bad auras or any spirit. I went to photobucket to get some pictures of the actors. I was surprised when I got a 2-page frames of pictures for this guy, because I wasn't expecting anything. The truth is, when I typed Ryo's and Masaki's names in the site, I wasn't able to come up with useful results. To think that those two are far better in looks, this man might be something incredible!
There you have it. My dosage of healthy life style. There are also funny characters in the series, like the both dorm heads of dorm 1 and 3 and the St. Blossom girls, Hibari and the Hibari four.But these persons I have listed are my favorites in the show. Others might not understand this fanatic feeling until they try it their selves. Why not take the greatest recipe ever, and savor every moment of it!

I watched the drama at first with my younger sister, but it really surprised me when I found myself hooking over the drama alone every night. It takes me days to finish the 12 episodes of the series because I make it two subs at night..wheew!!! Two of 45 minutes is quite exhausting to me already..but I stand firm, even my sis gave it up already. I can't blame her, she still have classes, lucky me - still on vacation! And after all the anticipation...thunder rolls and lightning strikes.....GRABEEH!! I thought Hana Yori Dango is the drama of the century until I saw the "threesome" and gave them my over whelming congratulations!
WARNING!!! do not try to watch the drama,, you'll get ADDICTED..
The story goes like this: a girl named Ashiya Mizuki (Maki) who is based in US, transferred in a Japanese All-boys School, Ohsaka High School, to make his athlete idol (Sano) in this school jump again. In order to do this, Mizuki have to pass through mishaps and predicaments to make his identity a secret while she is normally acting a boy in front of all the dormitory students. She gained friends and allies while staying at the place and had adventures too. She keeps in mind her true mission while having the best time of her life at the school with the help of her new found bestfriend Nakatsu (Toma) who is secretly in love with her. But how long can her secret identity last? And how would her life be changed by doing this mission?
And now, let me present to you the people who are around of this CONSPIRACY!
Nakatsu Shuichi (Ikuta Toma)

I think this drama had given the greatest break in Toma-chan's career. I used to research him before but failed to come up with good resources, unlike now, where countless fans of different races started blogging about him. Now the information is at hand, finally! You cant blame these people who really drool over him. Who would not fall in love with such a jolly and cool character of Nakatsu in Ohsaka High Shool? His sole reactions in every scene are really markable. He is the soul of the series. Only Aliens from outer space might not appreciate his presence in this drama,,but unless you are not, and is real humanoid,, you will surely ask for more from him!
Ashiya Mizuki (Horikita Maki)

Sano Izumi (Oguri Shun)

Nanba Minami (Mizushima Hiro)

But even the truth knocks me that my idol-sama wasn't in the show, I still feel glad that Hiro-san got to play the role. He really stood as the best Senpai ever. Very good at handling things. I wish in reality there is really a Nanba-senpai who all kouhai can trust.
Kagurazaka Makoto (Shirota Yuu)

Whew! Another Hottie. At first, I thought he is just an ordinary and a regular guy. He is Tezuka-san in PoT Live. Although he is good looking, I think his role for the great tennis player is questionable (i haven't watched the movie, though, only trailers).Why? Because...he is over-quaaaaalified! This half Japanese-Spanish idol is really the man! He attends another school in the series but is really essential in the story. His kissing scene with Sano (Shun) is really funny but his masculinity wasn't harm at all. He is still the boy next door.
Senri Nakao (Kimura Ryo)

**kiss on cheeks**
Nakao: Happy! ^__^
Nanba: Unhappy.. : - (
Sekime Kyogo (Osada Masaki)

I find Sekime-san a cutie in the series. He is the other athlete who competes with Sano in the sports competition and had defended Sano in many occasions. He is the first friend of Mizuki in the drama, as told by the heroine in the ending part, but I don't remember honestly how do these two met each other. I think I should look out for that one again. His confrontation with Mizuki in the farewell episode of the series really made a mark in me. He got me cried there. He's awesome!
Kayashima Taiki (Yamamoto Yusuke)

There you have it. My dosage of healthy life style. There are also funny characters in the series, like the both dorm heads of dorm 1 and 3 and the St. Blossom girls, Hibari and the Hibari four.But these persons I have listed are my favorites in the show. Others might not understand this fanatic feeling until they try it their selves. Why not take the greatest recipe ever, and savor every moment of it!

..!!hAi..hehe, i like the girl in japanese version unlike in taiwanese version.. hUhUhUHHH
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