This is a re-post...
what happened to the original one.?..
it's exhausting to be an otaku...i'm saving money from buying anime dvds..that's why i'm again a streamer...a very pitiful streamer...got a problem on LAN connection..so many rough timess...
but im managing to finish this titles (and hopefully have an entry for each of them)
CODE GEASS R2 - season one is soooo intensed...DEATH NOTE + GUNDAM SERIES = CG
there's a lot to look for on this one...i am not that exclusively convinced yet..need to watch out for more episodes
VAMPIRE KNIGHT - the lead casts are sooo adorable....i thought this is too cheeasyy for my taste,,but im so glad i tried it...no regrets..havent reached that far but is in the mood for fighting...
BASILISK - Romeo and Juliet's ninja style...no bishoujo and bishounen but with a promising story..havent also reached far but is so eager to finish it...
OVER DRIVE - so disappointing...shinozaki is suchhhhhhhhhhhhhhha lousy pervert....hate him...average but i have to finish it..i waited for days to finally have it out from bit torrent..so disappointing...not that worthy..but i hope im wrong...
till then..my shoulder hurts... ^ ___^
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