Whenever this kind of circumstance is fired at me I cant do anything. Although I know inside there is something I can do because I believe that whenever I set my mind to it, anything is possible. But, I'M SUCH A LAZY PERSON. And also I'm scared. It's going to be dragging and endless and the outcome I'm seeing is not that very good. I'm scared that the outcome will just dig the truth and will turn the matter into worse. But I know to myself that something must be done. Should I be the one doing it? Or should somebody be tapped to do it? I dont know. I am not fully equipped in this kind of situation but I can start to do something although I dont know where to start. I dont want to feel this "feeling" any longer and to achieve that is to do something right now. But how.....*sigh****
I am so ecstatic today until this "circumstance" is fired at me earlier. **Sigh**
Anyway, the reason for my happiness today is that I planned to write to you again, My Dear Bloggy, about the sensations I'm feeling right now. I've planned to do it in a new blog because this one is full of spam already and I feel my theme is really outdated. But because I'M A LAZY PERSON I felt it'll be a drag to put up a new one, so here I am again, talking and writing my emotions.
The core reasons are about Hunter x Hunter 2011 and FMA:Brotherhood, two series I've finished recently. Ah! Bloggy, I forgot to tell you that I started watching ANIME again. I reverted to my old self again this 2013 and picked up the old pieces of my past. So here we go again, welcoming the Otaku 2.0 of myself. Anyway, as I've mentioned earlirer, HXH and Brotherhood. Well, to tell you the truth these two anime are the ones that I'm intrigued about during my hiatus years because they are both remakes of my top anime (both belong to my top 5).
I've been researching reviews about the two, viewing the comparisons of both the original and remakes and found it too entertaining to read the comments and reviews from online anime addicts. But I got fed up with just reading the comments from others so I thought why not voice out my own opinions. The comments and reviews that I read were helpful for me to come up with solid stances for these two (although this is not going to be a real review, you know me Bloggy, just some pieces of mind from me).
First up is Hunter x Hunter.
Okay, do you know Bloggy that HXH orig version has a very special place in my heart? It is the foundation of very good memories from my childhood years, back when I was just a simple Otaku. So I cannot simply take how people just bash the 1999 version of being the inferior one compared to the newer version. It hurts Bloggy. People always say that the HXH 2011 follows the manga more and is really better than the old one. Okay, sure HXH is one of the best shounen anime ever but how could people realized it recently, just after watching the 2011 version? Haven't they been in the circulation when it hit the earth a decade ago? Okay I'll understand those who are younger but my gosh people who are living for more than two decades should have realized it sooner. How could they say that the 2011 is a winner when they never felt the joy of watching the original version? Do you know Bloggy that the original version was greatly done here in our country, it was wonderfully dubbed. I love everything about it and loved it more when I marathoned it few years ago (I believe I have a short entry about it here). It solidified my love for HXH, a story that transcends generations. Okay, I know I should just accept the fact the new HXH is being accepted positively because as a true HXH lover, that enough should make me happy. *sigh* It just saddens me that people who enjoyed the HXH 2011 didn't feel the love I felt from the original version: the music it has, the OPs (OHAYOU is enough to make me cry) and EDs, the stubborn but cool Killua, the great Genei Ryodan arc interpretation and the friendship that rose from all the struggles in the story - these are all just epic, ingredients for a world-class legend.
Next is FMA: Brotherhood.
I just finished watching Brotherhood last night. And yes, I enjoyed it. I like the ending part because it reminded me of Ghost Fighter ( Yu Yu Hakusho). I think good and happy endings sum up everything, and save the whole series if it needs saving. Okay, what can I say? Most people online preferred the Brotherhood version than the 2003 version. When it comes to HXH, I think there is a great debate about the two versions of HXH and some say that the fans of the original version will not accept defeat because of NOSTALGIA (yeah right!!). Back to FMA, there is one one word to describe Brotherhood and that is - CHEESY, but in a good way. As far I remember, the original version awed viewers because of its out-of-this-world ideas and ideals and that brought this anime into a higher level. I simply loved the FMA original and felt that it was one of the best Filipino dubbed anime ever. I love Roy's seriousness, Hughes' quirkiness, Nina's tearjerker-death and all the dark and mystery that enveloped the anime. I love its all OPs and EDs too. On the other hand, Brotherhood is also an excellent anime. Many people who are manga freaks like this one BECAUSE IT FOLLOWED THE MANGA. I hate it when people always say that. Why do manga freaks are always in the way of destroying the pure amazing-ness of ANIME? *Argh* Anyway, Brotherhood is very shounen to its core. I felt that the mystery theme of the first anime was converted into a more enjoyable mood where everyone can be satisfied at the end. True enough, the ending was very pleasing as compared to the original that displeased most fans. But I think the endings just corresponded as to how the anime were developed, one with a serious tone so a more bittersweet was delivered while a more happily-ever after was given to the brighter version. It's hard to find the winner between the two because they are both great anime and were developed from a great material. But because, I take into consideration the NOSTALGIA factor, I take orig FMA as the winner, fufufufu...
And there you have it. My inner voices.
My Bloggy, thank you for letting me talk to you again. My unpleasant feelings earlier decreased a little but I know it will come back and shake me for sure again. Bloggy I hope I/we can outwit this and I hope I can get myself to the direction I want to go. Bloggy IT'S HARDDDDD!!!
Till then,